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      • mike


      • #3686

        Hello and thank you for your time.
        Case – Male 41 unidentified bacterial infection leading to GBS presenting as bilateral facial paralysis with left arm weakness. Received 3 days IV IG – drug error led to 2 days given 2 days not given over a weekend then 1 further final treatment given on the Monday. Some facial movement has been regained however now showing swelling of upper lip wich leads to my question.
        Is swelling a normal part of the healing process or, is this something that requires further investigation?
        Many thanks for your attention.

      • Gareth Parry


      • #3687

        Hi Mike: Swelling should not occur as a consequence of GBS with facial paralysis. It is certainly common to have a perception of swelling due to sagging of the facial muscles due to their weakness. If there is objective swelling I would hesitate to attribute it to GBS. Facial swelling can occur with IVIg treatment but it would come on during or very shortly after receiving the treatment. If you are still in the hospital make sure that you point it out to the doctors. If you have already been discharged home, get your GP to have a look at it. Gareth Parry

      • Gareth Parry


      • #3688

        Hi Mike: Swelling should not occur as a consequence of GBS with facial paralysis. It is certainly common to have a perception of swelling due to sagging of the facial muscles due to their weakness. If there is objective swelling I would hesitate to attribute it to GBS. Facial swelling can occur with IVIg treatment but it would come on during or very shortly after receiving the treatment. If you are still in the hospital make sure that you point it out to the doctors. If you have already been discharged home, get your GP to have a look at it. Gareth Parry

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