We’re the GBS Support Group
We support patients and survivors with GBS, CIDP and related neuropathies, such as Multifocal Motor Neurpathy (MMN), Miller Fisher (MF), Lewis Sumner Syndrome (LSS) and Anti-Mag, along with their supporters.
Be Inspired
Although the impact of contracting GBS can be very distressing for you the patient and your family and carers hope for a good recovery is at hand from the inspiring stories of GBS survivors who have fought back from the same situation (or worse) that you now find yourself in. See for yourself and read, or have read to you, their journey back to, or near to, normality.
Join Us
Show your support for the Group by swelling our membership ranks ( its free!) or share your worries and questions or personal experiences on our closed Facebook site and keep up to date with Group activities by reading our quarterly newsletter
Help Us
The Group is nothing without your support and assistance. Become a member, perhaps volunteer to help with the running of the Group either as part of the Executive team or organising informal Coffee and Chat gatherings in your area or even offer to take on a role of a trained Hospital Visitor or simply show your support and appreciation of the help you have received by making a donation to cover the cost of running the Group.
We rely on donations from members and supporters to cover the operational cost of the group. The group is run by unpaid volunteers, all GBS survivors or members of their families or Carers.