Best Online

Medical Information About GBS

The GBS/CIDP Foundation International has a fantastic website.

The GBS Support Group in the United Kingdom also has a great website. As does the GBS Association of NSW.

These websites have comprehensive information about Guillain Barré syndrome, CIDP, Miller Fisher syndrome and other GBS variants.

The Motor Neurone Disease Association of New Zealand also has very useful information about the effect of motor neurone damage.

Additional information on neurology support groups can be found at the Neurology Support Groups page of the Healthpoint website.

The book GBS from Diagnosis to Recovery by Gareth Parry and Joel Steinberg is now online and can be downloaded free.

CCS Disability Action – Library and Information Services: This library is free and open to all. It has information on a number of disability related issues, including orthotics, Wheel chair use, pain management and other topics relevant to those who suffer from GBS/CIDP.

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    Radio NZ feature

On 17 April 2011, Radio New Zealand National’s show about disability issues One in Five featured GBS, with a discussion with Gareth Parry, Professor of Neurology at the University of Minnesota.

Follow this link to the audio (will open an audio player in your browser; you can alternatively visit the programme’s page on the Radio NZ website, where you can download the audio file)